Alcohol Use of Adolescents
There are many questions as to why adolescents drink alcohol. Who taught them that it was okay? Does drinking run in the family and that's why they're drinking? Who influences them? Does the media suggest that it is okay to drink at a young age?
There are many programs that do not promote under age drinking, they try to convince adolescents to stray away from alcohol. But still under age drinking is still a major problem here in the United States. Under age drinking is in it's prime from age 18-21. They are in college and it the students peers may be drinking, so other students may drink due to peer pressure. Because the development of the brain can still continue into early adulthood, alcohol could be affecting the growth of the adolescent. Which is a major problem. When youths drink, they are more likely to binge drink.
Children who use alcohol at an early age are more likely to abuse alcohol as adults. It can also lead to unemployment problems, aggression, and are more likely to abuse other substances. Adolescents who use alcohol are more likely to have problems getting their obligations done at work, school, or home. Having problems with alcohol can be viewed as causing problems or damage to yourself or relationships with others.
A recent study shows that teens are more likely to drink alcohol than to do drugs or use tobacco. "The 2009 survey of more than 46000 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in more than 380 schools nationwide revealed that the prevalence of alcohol use in the previous 30 days had declined by more than one-third since most recently peaking in 1996 but that less of a decline was found for older students."
Teens in the United States who misuse alcohol are often times involved in dangerous situations that can lead to injuries or even death. A leading cause of teen deaths are caused by alcohol related accidents such as car crashes, homicide, and suicide.
I have friends who have drank under the age. I also have family who drank as teens and either ended up in car crashes or committed suicide. I have seen alcohol take people down bad roads. I have seen what it can do to people first hand. People get dependent on the alcohol, it can change people.
Since I am in college, I have been to many parties and see college students with alcohol. It may seem like nothing now, but later down the road it could turn into more than just a thing to do at parties.
"Alcohol Use by Youth and Adolescents: A Pediatric Concert." Pediatrics. AAP Gateway, May 2010. Web. Nov. 2015.
Children who use alcohol at an early age are more likely to abuse alcohol as adults. It can also lead to unemployment problems, aggression, and are more likely to abuse other substances. Adolescents who use alcohol are more likely to have problems getting their obligations done at work, school, or home. Having problems with alcohol can be viewed as causing problems or damage to yourself or relationships with others.
A recent study shows that teens are more likely to drink alcohol than to do drugs or use tobacco. "The 2009 survey of more than 46000 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in more than 380 schools nationwide revealed that the prevalence of alcohol use in the previous 30 days had declined by more than one-third since most recently peaking in 1996 but that less of a decline was found for older students."
Teens in the United States who misuse alcohol are often times involved in dangerous situations that can lead to injuries or even death. A leading cause of teen deaths are caused by alcohol related accidents such as car crashes, homicide, and suicide.
I have friends who have drank under the age. I also have family who drank as teens and either ended up in car crashes or committed suicide. I have seen alcohol take people down bad roads. I have seen what it can do to people first hand. People get dependent on the alcohol, it can change people.
Since I am in college, I have been to many parties and see college students with alcohol. It may seem like nothing now, but later down the road it could turn into more than just a thing to do at parties.
"Alcohol Use by Youth and Adolescents: A Pediatric Concert." Pediatrics. AAP Gateway, May 2010. Web. Nov. 2015.