Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Suicide (Free Writing)


Suicide fully prevent suicide, people need to have a better understanding of it and know why it happens. (Key Research Findings, 2015)
One of the leading causes of suicide is depression along with other mood disorders, substance abuse disorders, and schizophrenia. A recent study has shown that people who commit suicide had a mental disorder at the time of their death. Because people who commit suicide don’t usually tell people about their actions, it is important for people to be able to recognize the symptoms.
Because depression is a main factor for suicide, it is important for care provides to be able to appropriately diagnose and treat someone with depression. Having depression does increase the likeliness of someone committing suicide. There are about 20% of the people who have died because of suicide that also had previous attempts at committing suicide. (Key Research Findings, 2015)
There have been studies that suicide may be inherited from family. It’s not so much the suicide that gets inherited, it is the depression that gets passed down. People who have family members who have attempted or committed suicide have a higher risk of doing it themselves. This is because they look to that person as a “social model.” But it can also lead to the awareness of suicide. (Key Research Findings, 2015)
People who have had cancer, HIV, lupus, and traumatic brain injuries are often at a higher risk of suicide. These people feel hopeless. (Key Research Findings, 2015)
In 2013, there were over 40,000 deaths caused by suicide in just the United States. It is the 10th leading cause of death. It is more common for males to commit suicide rather than females. But females are more likely to think about suicide than males. Females actually attempt suicide 3 times more than males. (Save, Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)

Suicide has played a big role in my life, as crazy as this sounds. My 5th grade year, my uncle committed suicide. A year later, on the exact day, my other uncle committed suicide as well. The next year my grandma had died of cancer. It was not suicide but it did have a big impact on my dad. Who then a few years later committed suicide. My dad did have depression and he was bipolar. He never gave any hints that he would do that. So when it happened, it was completely unexpected for us.
But since suicide had happened twice before in the family, you can see that it does have a way of spreading to other people.
Suicide is something I personally take very seriously. I do not tolerate it when people joke about it. It is a serious problem here in the United States and there is so much everyone can do to prevent it. There have been movements on social media where people draw semicolons on their wrists. They do this to show that your story isn’t over. You could’ve ended it but instead kept going.

"Save. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education." SAVE. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2015.

"Key Research Findings." American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2015. 

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